What rhymes with opaque?

Use one of these 42 words that rhyme with "opaque" or try our poem generator for free.

take5 out of 53 out of 51
make5 out of 53 out of 51
break5 out of 53 out of 51
lake5 out of 53 out of 51
sake5 out of 53 out of 51
mistake5 out of 53 out of 52
wake5 out of 53 out of 51
undertake5 out of 53 out of 53
cake5 out of 53 out of 51
shake5 out of 53 out of 51

Generate a poem in seconds

Automatically generate poems in seconds using artificial intelligence. Just describe the theme of your poem and the poem generator will do all the rhyming and syllables for you.

stake5 out of 53 out of 51
awake5 out of 53 out of 52
snake5 out of 53 out of 51
brake5 out of 52 out of 51
partake5 out of 52 out of 52
bake5 out of 52 out of 51
fake5 out of 52 out of 51
rake5 out of 52 out of 51
spake5 out of 52 out of 51
steak5 out of 52 out of 51
overtake5 out of 52 out of 53
forsake5 out of 52 out of 52
lakh5 out of 52 out of 51
flake5 out of 52 out of 51
betake5 out of 52 out of 52
quake5 out of 52 out of 51
retake5 out of 52 out of 52
remake5 out of 52 out of 52
rattlesnake5 out of 52 out of 53
slake5 out of 52 out of 51
drake5 out of 52 out of 51
earache5 out of 52 out of 51
hake5 out of 52 out of 51
shaikh5 out of 52 out of 51
shiitake5 out of 52 out of 52
bellyache5 out of 51 out of 53
clambake5 out of 51 out of 52
blacksnake5 out of 51 out of 52
corncrake5 out of 51 out of 52
huarache5 out of 51 out of 51
vague4 out of 53 out of 51
plague4 out of 53 out of 51